Arbo Space 11.7mm Huracan (NEW)

Sale price$201.00

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The HURACAN rope is a leader in the double braid 24 strand climbing line category, renowned for its exceptional performance with mechanical devices like the Petzl Zigzag and Chicane setup or a Hitch Climber pulley system. Due to its overwhelming popularity and high demand, we've expanded our range to include 11.7mm and 12.7mm diameters alongside the original 11.5mm, offering more versatility without compromising on the firm, flexible feel and abrasion resistance. This expansion cements the HURACAN's status as one of the best-selling climbing ropes, a favorite in our arborist community.

HURACAN STATIC® Climbing Rope Specifications 

Diameter Weight (lbs/100ft) Weight (kg/100m) Elongation Cover (%) Construction Breaking Load (lbs) Breaking Load (kgf)
11.5mm 6.18 9.20 2.0% 57% Cover: 24 strand; Core: 16 strand double braid 6,614 3,000
11.7mm 6.45 9.60 1.8% 58% Cover: 24 strand; Core: 16 strand double braid 6,878 3,120
12.7mm 7.39 11.00 1.8% 54% Cover: 24 strand; Core: 16 strand double braid 8,069 3,660

Note: Unspliced break load tests comply with ISO 2307 standards.

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